Why Jai choose to study Accounting

03 Oct 2023

Meet Jai 😎…..
He is studying a Bachelor of Accounting at Charles Sturt University. During his lunch break, Jai often drops by the Centre to switch up his work environment and engage in some focused studying. This also offered an opportunity to have a conversation with Jai and hear his thoughts about the Centre and his study journey.

Why did you choose your degree and what do you enjoy the most about it?

I chose to study my degree because I had an interest in business and that’s kind of where I’m heading. I started my degree because I wanted to have a better career path and financial future. I decided to get out of the job to job type roles and get into something that can provide some solid qualifications.

What advice or tips would you give to other regional students?

Don’t do it. Jokes! Scout out courses before you sign yourself up for 4-6 year degree because I’ve realized when I’m into my degree a bit, you can get a bit displaced if it’s not really ticking your boxes after a year in. I should have done more evaluation on the courses available at the start. Look around at courses, seek advice from students who have studied degrees and see what they’ve thought of those degrees and even what it’s done for them post-university.

How important is having the CUC in your local town to you and why?

Its good as it provides a nice place to come and learn outside of home and if your university is far away from home, it’s nice to be able to come and have a good study environment.

How has the CUC impacted on your studies?

In a positive way, with the resources that are here. Its great to have double monitor screens to use, printing and internet availability, also exam space.

What do you love most about the Centre?

I love the facilities, that it separates my work and home life. Being able to come here and do what I need to do and then go home and relax.

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