Naomi’s academic journey: Pursuing a PhD at the University of Sydney

07 Sep 2023

What do you love most about the Centre?

Location as it’s close to home and accessible for me. I love the space; it’s calm and beautiful, the people are nice, and it smells good. It’s just a nice environment and I can do what I’ve come here to do. It’s very inducive to study, inspiring, and what I need. Before this I was on my own, if I studied, I studied, if I didn’t study then that was my problem.

How important is having the CUC in your local area and why?

This is very important because education, or anything that promotes education, is the way forward, and Kempsey needs that. We can build up this place to have all the most prominent shops, but at the end of the day, if people are not educated or don’t have the help or support to be educated, we will end up with a community that doesn’t move anywhere. It only caters to a certain education level, which is essential but its about helping go on and take that next step. I rate the CUC 11/10.

Why did you choose to study your degree and what do you love about it?

I chose to study for a PhD because I wanted to be the one who figures things out and not be told what to do. I had questions and wanted the space to ask and answer them, and I love it because I’m allowed to ask those questions. I’m in this beautiful team of people who constantly encourage me to improve, and my supervisors are just amazing. When I talk to them, it’s like stepping into a different world, and I need that in Kempsey because at work, I’m stuck with everybody thinking along the same lines, and when I’m studying, I’m in a world that shows me that there’s more that can be achieved.

How has the CUC impacted on your studies?

It has been a driving force. I studied a year and a half without the CUC, and I did get somewhere, I was very productive, but I was all alone. So, I don’t feel alone here. I started coming to the CUC regularly after I’ve had a baby and I don’t know if I would be able to do the same thing by myself. This has been where I have been able to go to the toilet in peace and have a cup of coffee while it’s still hot. It’s more than just a study space, it’s also been a place where I can block out everything and get my work done.

What advice or tips would you give to other regional/rural students wanting to study?

Go for it! Even if nobody around you is doing it, if you think you want to do it, then just go for it and doors just have a way of opening when you do. I would love for everybody to have opportunities like this. I understand it’s not always possible but just have the drive and go for it, no matter what, it’s more likely to happen if you do it.


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1 Comment

  1. Marcus says:

    Hi Naomi,
    Can I ask what area of study your PhD is in ? My mum got her PhD in Anthropology at Sydney Uni.